First assignment

September 1, 2008

Inequality and technology have a complex relationship. As technology improves, it begins to replace jobs previously done by skilled laborers, and simultaneously opens new jobs for skilled laborers having to do with those particular technologies. This trend increases the importance of education, which is only available to those with higher incomes, this creates a cycle where uneducated laborers become obsolete yet do not have the resources to receive higher education. I have seen the effect of this on my parents, who’s lack of a college degree only allows them access to certain jobs, which are mostly based on their prior experience, and they are constantly competing with college graduates making it very difficult to advance in their fields.

While the development of technology is important, it’s also important that as a society we allow careers for those who do not have the resources to attain higher education, and also make higher education easier for lower income brackets to attain. A couple solutions come to mind, perhaps programs that utilize an obsolete skilled laborers talents while providing them with an education at the same time.

Technology is rapidly progressing, however access is limited, and there may be areas where otherwise outdated skilled laborers can apply their talents and also train to operate the technology that surpasses them. I think a cohesive utilization of talents which are slowly becoming obsolete and education based compensation, as long as monetary compensation is enough for workers to live on, will benefit our society and help to bridge the growing gap between income brackets.

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